Monday, June 13, 2011

this flight tonight

My mom and I are leaving for the airport in one hour! I am a last-minute packer. Here is what my suitcase currently looks like. Also visible: bits of my rug/curtain/pile of rejected items.

Since I won't be blogging for a couple of weeks, I wanted to do one last post before flying away. But I have to be secretive about it, because my family knows I'm procrastinating! So here are my little secret self-portraits in my travel clothes. 

Hat: from a little shop in Buenos Aires
Dress: the best hand-me-down EVER from Gwen : )
Camisole: Gap
Sweater: Anthropologie
Tights: my mom's
Shoes: Clarks

Sorry for the TERRIBLE photo quality. You're welcome, however, for the Sesame Street band-aid and the lipstick smooch on the mirror. (Click to enlarge)

Here, I am looking smugly at my own digital image in the camera.

I got some more travel reading! The above were both recommended to me by Emily - thanks, friend! I can't wait to read them. I found them both in the used book cellar in our town's bookstore - the only place in this town that hasn't gone completely INSANE.

I also got some new journals. I am a constant journal-er, especially when abroad. 

This one will be for playwriting (the beginnings of my thesis are forming) :

And this one I just thought was lovely:

I have more than begun to tell my story (I have about 40 journals from my lyfe, all stacked up in my closet at home for someone to read one hundred years from now), but whatevz, I like writing.

So I'm bringing ten dresses, four hats, three books and three journals. Probably excessive...but these are the objects I desire. Plus, changing clothes and writing lists/scenes/thoughts are excellent boredom-survival activities - just in case I somehow get bored at my grandmother's house.

All right, bloggie babes, here I go! 


1 comment:

  1. Hi!! :)
    I really like your blog, I follow you :D
    ... maybe if you have time, you could visit my blog too, and if you like it, follow me back ;)
