Here is my new haircut, à la Photobooth:

I haven't had it this short since age 13 or so. As you can tell from the picture, I am pleased with it! But as I drove away from the salon in my family's mini-van, I started to get an uneasy feeling...something about my new haircut, the car, the cardigan I was wearing...a sinking feeling. DO I LOOK LIKE A SOCCER MOM??
"Soccer mom hair - n. Short, easily managed, but completely unfeminine and unflattering haircut worn by overweight, middle-aged women with 2.6 children who spend more than 40 hours per week obsessively focused on their precious children's extra-curricular activities."
Okay. So far, I'm good.
"The often overly highlighted cut is typically parted in the center or to one side, with longish bangs, no hair products..."
"...and is distinguished from more stylish and current short hairdos by its roots in 70's and 80's fashion, re-hashing the 'dorothy hamill' and 'geraldine ferraro' styles..."
"...and often worn with 'mom jeans,' (also rooted in 80's style - high waisted with baggy ass and peg leg), baggy sweatshirts and white sneakers."
In conclusion: Whatever. I look good. Also, I'm reading some more of these urbandictionary definitions (soccer mom, mom jeans, baseball dad [apparently "soccer dads" don't exist]) and most of them are categorically offensive. Go figure. All the more reason for me to stand by my hair.
ReplyDeleteI like it.
ReplyDeleteIt is short. It solves my main hair issue, which is "Where do I put it?" As in, behind my shoulders or in front? It never ceased to bug me before.