Monday, June 6, 2011

on the right track, baby

Outfit 6/6/2011

I got my order from GoGo Vintage in the mail today!

I'm really pleased and can't wait to go around feeling summery and creative in them in the months to come : )

I especially love the red one, prompting my second ever outfit post. I was once again my own photographer - balancing the camera, setting the self-timer, and making a mad dash to pose - but these came out sort of interesting.

This dress helps me accomplish some of my simpler goals in life: to be bold, to wear red often, and to always have pockets (which you can see floating around in there like mystery organs in the x-ray-like photos.)

The dresses came in a brown paper package tied up with string (clearly a girl after my own heart). As always, I put them on right away and paraded around the house in them (not both at once. That would be pushing it). When my dad saw the red one, he said, "Didn't you used to have a dress like that?" I realized that he was remembering a dress of my mom's from childhood which I wore at my grandmother's house when I was 2 1/2.

This was taken July 12th, 1992 at my grandmother's house in Finland:

It seems that I've finally come full circle, even with my hair!

I debuted the dress in a walk around the neighborhood with my dad. We laughed about how unusual I must look to our traditional suburban neighbors. "People are going to say, 'Oh look, it's Jackie Kennedy!'" He said. I said, "Yeah, or a crazy person," but walked out of the house anyway. It's funny how I wouldn't think twice about wearing an outfit like this at Vassar or in NYC or Helsinki, but in Wellesley it really felt like a transgression!

(Extra-crazy and happy in my mom's sunhat)

I belted the dress with the sash from the other new-to-me dress, which I'll wear soon and attempt to take pictures of!

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